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19th Annual Heart-to-Heart Café: Accentuate the Positive!
As most of you know, UU Shenandoah has had an issue with our plumbing due to many days of freezing temperatures. While our Building Committee folks have arranged for 3 very pleasant porta-johns, the Heart-to-Heart organizing group felt it wise to move our big, annual Heart-to-Heart Café social event to Saturday, March 8th, so we can eat, drink, and be merry as we enjoy our members & friends sharing their talents. Performers, please keep your talent-sharing to 3-4 minutes, max.
This FUUN event is for everyone, both singles and couples, but it can be a little naughty so it’s not appropriate for children and we regret we are unable to provide childcare. 
Everyone is asked to bring a sweet or healthy finger food to share. Wine and beer can be purchased. Non-alcoholic drinks available.
Doors open at 6:30 PM and new this year will be music to dance to as you arrive.

50-50 raffle tickets will be sold, so bring some extra bucks. Half goes to the winner and half goes to the UUCSV.
Performances begin at 7 PM. You don’t want to miss this beloved UU Shenandoah social event on March 8th when we will Accentuate the Positive!!  
- Your 2025 H-t-H Café Organizing Group: Sandra Henry-Stocker, Nick & Kathy Crettier, Henry & Nancy Ticknor, Jim Peters, and Wayne & Elaine Keeler