
The sections below detail how our church is governed.

UU Shenandoah functions under a set of by-laws, last updated by the Church Board of Directors on October 26, 2021, and is incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

UU Shenandoah is also is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association, along with more than 1,000 other churches. As such, we participate as a welcoming congregation and support Right Relations, which are listed as the Promises: a Covenant of Right Relations.

As a UUA congregation, the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Shenandoah Valley is autonomous—congregational leaders set their own priorities and choose their own ministers and staff. Congregations vote for the leaders of the UUA, who oversee the central staff and resources.

The UUA supports congregations in their work by training ministers, publishing books and the UU World magazine, providing religious education curricula, offering shared services, coordinating social justice activities, and more. (More About UUA)

With the UU Shenandoah covenant as our source and with goodwill and honest effort, we promise to:

  • Welcome all who come to us, keeping in mind the differences among us and remembering that building a community requires learning and practice

  • Listen carefully and choose actions mindfully

  • Act with loving kindness, compassion and patience, reflecting carefully on the effects of our words

  • Speak out when we witness disrespectful interactions

  • Respect one another by speaking directly to those with whom we disagree, and asking for help when needed

  • Ask ourselves if we are promoting our Unitarian Universalist principles

Our church is incorporated as a non-stock corporation. Key elements of the by-laws are listed below.

The full name of this religious community is the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Shenandoah Valley, Inc (“Church”), abbreviated as UU Shenandoah.

The Church is incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Effective April 24, 2012, as a non-stock corporation qualifying as an exempt organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

The Church is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association.

The Church declares and affirms its responsibility to promote the full participation of persons without regard to race, color, gender, physical and mental challenge, affectional or sexual orientation, age, national origin, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, or previous religious affiliation.

The Board of Directors (“Board”) holds executive authority for business and affairs of the Church. The Board shall consist of seven Directors, all of whom must be Members.

The Board of Directors shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. The terms of all Directors shall be three years, except those of Directors elected to fill vacancies, whose terms shall be for the remainder of the term of the Director who ceased to serve. No Director shall serve more than two consecutive three-year terms, including an unexpired term.


In addition to specific responsibilities designated elsewhere in these Bylaws, the Board shall have the following responsibilities:

  1. Perform all functions necessary to fulfill the purposes and obligations of the Church not specifically assigned to others in these Bylaws;
  2. Designate the persons by whom and the procedures by which, on behalf of the Church, deposits or investments may be made, checking accounts opened, and checks and withdrawal orders signed;
  3. Appoint and terminate a non-settled Minister;
  4. Provide a written performance review of the Settled Minister by June 1st of each year;
  5. Approve the creation or removal of any staff position in the Church;
  6. Ensure the Church stays within the financial levels of the approved annual budget;
  7. Appoint delegates to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA)
  8. Define minimum annual financial pledge and contribution requirements to maintain the status of Member of the Church, and / or the formula to calculate these requirements based on Membership overhead costs—to be reported to the congregation by February 1st each year;
  9. Approve and sign the Ministerial Agreement with a Settled Minister;
  10. Make available to Members the Ministerial Agreement prior to the Congregational vote to call a Settled Minister: and
  11. Establish guidelines for the removal of Members, post such guidelines to the Church website, and have them otherwise made available to the Congregation.
  12. Establish such standing and ad hoc committees as deemed necessary to assist it in the development, oversight, implementation, and enforcement of policies and procedures designed to carry out the mission and purposes of the Church.

The Council on Ministries (CoM) shall coordinate the development, implementation, enhancement, and promotion of the programs and shared ministry activities of the Church consistent with its mission, covenants, and congregational governance policies and procedures, and the guiding principles of the UUA. The responsibilities of the CoM include:

  1. Oversee the functioning of standing committees, 
  2. Facilitate collaboration of committees, the minister, and the Board,
  3. Establish and assess goals for the year, 
  4. Conduct a formal congregational assessment every three years,
  5. Oversee church archives.