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Rev. Stephen Fiske, as a musician, author, poet, artist, filmmaker, and Interfaith Minister, has brought inspiration to many across the nation and overseas. A long-time peace and environmental activist, Rev. Stephen Fiske is the author of “The Art of Peace” (New Paradigm Books) and is finishing his second book, “The Call to Social Integrity and Wholeness.” Rev. Fiske is also the Executive Director of the Jerusalem Prayer Project, producing a feature documentary, Warriors of the Heart, shot primarily in Israel/Palestine. He has also produced twelve albums of his music and his songs have been covered by such well-known artists as Luther Vandross and Jose Feliciano.
He was first exposed to Interfaith through his involvement in the Civil Rights Movement and Martin Luther King’s inclusive, ecumenical, and intercultural approach to social change. Through his deep involvement with yoga and his discipleship with well-known guru Swami Satchidananda, Stephen has followed the path of “Truth Is One, Paths Are Many.” Leaving behind the rock scene, in search of a deeper meaning in life, he embraced the yogic lifestyle and became a certified Yoga Teacher for the Integral Yoga Institute.  In the 1970’s he became active in the San Francisco Interfaith organization “The Meeting of the Ways” and later was ordained as an Interfaith minister by the Reverend Leland Stewart, a Universalist Minister, graduate of Harvard Divinity School, a pioneer in the Interfaith Movement, and the founder of the Unity and Diversity World Council, based in Southern California. As a minister, Stephen has appeared widely as a guest speaker, workshop leader, and performer across the U.S. and overseas. Rev. Stephen Fiske is a husband, father of three, and grandfather of four, living with his wife, Nikki, in Yogaville, Buckingham, Virginia.

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