Welcome to UU Shenandoah

Our Mission

The mission of the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Shenandoah Valley, Inc.  (UU Shenandoah) is to build a community based on and committed to self-development, compassion, open communication, and action.

Our community is defined by how we interact with each other, both within the Congregation and with the larger society.

  • Self-development is enabled by meeting the spiritual, and social awareness of the congregation and the larger society.
  • We practice compassion by placing ourselves in the position of both members of the congregation and of the larger society.
  • We practice open communication by speaking openly and with respect, civility, and compassion.
  • Action means we play active roles within the congregation and wider community in fulfilling our self-development and compassion values.

Our Promises: A Covenant of Right Relations

With the UU Shenandoah covenant as our source and with goodwill and honest effort, we promise to:

  • Welcome all who come to us, keeping in mind the differences among us and remembering that building a community requires learning and practice
  • Listen carefully and choose actions mindfully
  • Act with loving kindness, compassion and patience, reflecting carefully on the effects of our words
  • Speak out when we witness disrespectful interactions
  • Respect one another by speaking directly to those with whom we disagree, and asking for help when needed
  • Ask ourselves if we are promoting our Unitarian Universalist principles