The mission of the Social Action and Justice (SA&J) Committee is to promote a more just world by providing opportunities for the congregation to support, take action and become involved in activities that reflect our seven UU Principles.

The main categories of Social Action and Justice of the UUA are:

  • Economic Justice
  • Climate and Environmental Justice
  • Immigrant Justice
  • LGBTQ Justice
  • Racial Justice
  • Reproductive Justice

Each year, the SA&J Committee chooses a main theme and participates in and promotes actions related to that theme. For example, the current focus has been cooperation with Church World Service and other churches in the Winchester area in the resettlement of refugee individuals and families who were forced to flee Afghanistan when the Taliban took power. Future themes may include support of war victims in Ukraine, ways to reduce gun violence, or other causes that may arise as a result of local, regional, national, or international events.

Some examples of SA&J activities:

  • Once each month, part of the collection during a Sunday service is distributed to a local non-profit cause through the Share the Plate program
  • Monthly collection of food or goods for a local non-profit
  • The SA&J Committee for many years has supported a student at a Unitarian orphanage in India through the UU Partner Church Council
  • Participation with the Valley Interfaith Council
  • Recruitment of volunteer crews from church members and friends to work on home building with local Habitat for Humanity affiliates
  • Similar work projects organized by the local United Way
  • Preparing and service meals to clients of homeless shelters in Frederick and Warren Counties

There are many opportunities to participate in SA&J activities and to support local, national and international efforts each month. The church newsletter provides details of upcoming activities, projects, and need for volunteers. We also have a Social Justice Resources List of local and national organizations.