UU Shenandoah encourages individual faith development. It provides a place for people to grow and learn while discovering what is important in their lives and what it means to be a Unitarian Universalist. This is called LifeSpan Faith Development to indicate that faith development is for all ages and all congregants.

Under the guidance of the minister, the Lifespan Faith Development Committee offers programs that encourage, support, and stimulate adult congregants in their unique spiritual journeys. Congregants are encouraged to offer ideas for programs that can be delivered for the benefit of other adults.

Past programs have included:

  • Book clubs
  • Workshops to encourage positive interactions about controversial issues
  • Courses on end-of-life issues
  • In-depth study of the messages conveyed by the Saint Francis prayer

Current programs are described in the weekly church newsletter and during Sunday announcements. All congregants are encouraged to participate in Lifespan Faith Development programs.

During many Sunday services, there will be multigeneration readings or talks, such as “A Time for All Ages” with messages specifically aimed at young people. Additionally, during some Sunday services, the Youth Faith Development Acting Director will hold classes with young children during the service.