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A UU Orientation for New (and curious) Congregants!

Saturday, February 15. 2025 

10:00am to Noon, Church Library

Would you like to learn more about our Church?  Please join us for a UU Orientation Workshop, where we will review the rich history of Unitarian Universalism and organization of UU Shenandoah. We’ll have the opportunity to share our own religious journeys and intentions for continued spiritual growth.  And finally, we’ll take a look at a variety of Church activities that keep us purring along and answer questions about a Path to Membership.

There is an Orientation sign-up sheet on the Faith Development counter in the narthex.  Or you can contact Jim Peters directly to register and ask any questions.

The Membership Team guarantees an enlightening and joyful experience! 

Jim Peters, Membership Team

Notice about restroom facilities:
Due to recent freezing temperatures and frozen pipes, UU Shenandoah's restrooms and kitchen are not operational. In order to continue on-site services and events, a 3-bathroom trailer is set up in the parking lot near the end of the sidewalk. It has one handicapped accessible bathroom with ramp and 2 additional bathrooms accessed by steps. All bathrooms have lights, heat, hot running water, flushable toilets, mirrors and sinks. The kitchen remains closed for the time being.
Thank you!