11:00 am — 12:00 pm

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Sunday, September 10, 11 a.m. In-Person and Online
Corey Barnes, Lay-led Service

Our ingathering service is a service that marks the beginning of the regular church year, after most of the congregation has come back from summer holidays. It is a time for the members of our congregation to come together, reconnect, and celebrate our community and shared values. During our ingathering service we will all have a chance to share a bit of the world that we experienced in our summer travels through our water communion ritual, where you can bring water from meaningful places to combine into a communal vessel as a symbol of unity. This act represents the diverse experiences and backgrounds of the congregation members coming together as one. If you are unable to bring water from somewhere you have been, you can bring water from your home that represents that place, or you can bring a trinket / photo.


September 10, 2023
11:00 am - 12:00 pm