What to Expect in Worship

What to expect in serviceThe Unitarian Universalist Church of the Shenandoah Valley Sunday services are generally led by the minister three or four Sundays each month. Other Sunday services could be lay-led or have a guest speaker or alternative arrangements such as all music.

Elements of a typical Sunday worship service may include:

  • Words of Welcome by a lay member
  • Lighting of a flaming chalice, a symbol of our faith
  • Music, both instrumental and vocal and in a variety of styles
  • A multigenerational segment, such as a “story for all ages”
  • Readings from a variety of sources by a lay member
  • A meditation or quiet reflection
  • A sermon given by the minister a guest speaker or a member of the congregation
  • Lifting up of joys and concerns of the congregation
  • An offering to support the work of the Church
  • A special part of the offering to support social justice work or community programs

There may be holiday celebrations, longer musical performances, ceremonies to commemorate life’s passages, or other services to connect with the congregation.

The minister may also conduct child dedications, weddings, memorial services or funerals.