Our Governance as a UUA Congregation


As a UUA congregation, the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Shenandoah Valley is autonomous—congregational leaders set their own priorities and choose their own ministers and staff. Congregations vote for the leaders of the UUA, who oversee the central staff and resources.

The UUA supports congregations in their work by training ministers, publishing books and the UU World magazine, providing religious education curricula, offering shared services, coordinating social justice activities, and more. (More About UUA)

Our Promises: A Covenant of Right Relations

With the UUCSV covenant as our source and with goodwill and honest effort, we promise to:

  • Welcome all who come to us, keeping in mind the differences among us and remembering that building a community requires learning and practice
  • Listen carefully and choose actions mindfully
  • Act with loving kindness, compassion and patience, reflecting carefully on the effects of our words
  • Speak out when we witness disrespectful interactions
  • Respect one another by speaking directly to those with whom we disagree, and asking for help when needed
  • Ask ourselves if we are promoting our Unitarian Universalist principles